Day Zero

After dealing with the headache of frustration and incompetence that abounded over what should be a simple process (it seems like every time I have to go somewhere TDY (temporary duty) or PCS (permanent change of station, a.k.a. move to another base) it is the first time anyone has ever done it. It's insane and is my biggest gripe with life in the military.

I digress...

I finish my last minute packing, kiss my wife goodbye and go to tell the kids by. Three year old (Calvin) is consumed by Wii and my six year old (Cole) is engaged in epic battle on Halo 2. Neither have real concept of me leaving, last time I left for a decent period was to Korea for a year, Cole is too young to recall as he was three at the time, and Calvin was still forming in my wife's belly. They don't really understand "daddy going away for a while".

Once goodbyes are said and done I start the car and head down Highway 90 on my 150 mile journey east. I'm chugging along and after 20 minutes I realize...I left my laptop, one of my most important things in life and I left it.

After a moment of two of moderate to high cursing, I turn around and head back to get it...I'm now approx 40 minutes behind schedule...but it is my own schedule so no real worries.

Drive, drive, drive and drive some more. Just before 4 PM I hit Lackland AFB, pass all the familiar basic training haunts and see the brand new Airmen marched around by their drill sergeants... or as we call them “Military Training Instructors”, TIs for short. Moments after being lost in nostalgia and the flashbacks that hit me, I decide it would be a good time to in to my room. Each base has a form of hotel we call billeting or lodging. Not much different from you standard 2 star hotel. Some a bit nicer, some not as nice.

As I reach the check in office, I look and see that there is a line out the door...damn it all to hell. Finally, in what seems to be forever (even though I should be used to “hurry up and wait”) I get my room. I spend the next few hours unpacking and getting things squared away.

I discover I brought a bit too much most likely. Laptop, Wii, hard drive, clothes, electric skillet, toaster over...and the list goes on and on. Who knows, I may have use for it all yet.

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